The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has created interactive dashboards that display maps, tables, and charts of local housing, economic, and demographic conditions for each FY23 HUD Jurisdiction. These dashboards can help local governments, Public Housing Agencies (PHAs), states, and community organizations assess housing needs, prepare HUD reports, and advance local housing, and community development goals. The dashboards use data from the 2017-2021 5-Year American Community Survey, the Department of Transportation ETC Explorer, the Environmental Protection Agency Facility Registry Service, internal HUD administrative data, and other sources.
For this dashboard, a jurisdiction is defined as any PHA or unit of local government (city, township, county, municipality, etc.) receiving HUD funding through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), or the HOME Investment Partnerships Program. HUD specific jurisdiction boundaries will likely differ from official U.S. Census geographic boundaries, so users should prioritize using HUD-defined jurisdictions in reports.
All the data powering the dashboard, including tract level, jurisdiction level, region level, and crosswalk files, are available in the below zipfile as file as CSVs and GeoJSONs.
The below technical appendix details the underlying data, sources, and methods used to produce the dashboards.
Questions? Feedback? Please contact with "Socio-Demographic Dashboards feedback" as the subject line.